Journey to the Cross - 4 Week Devotional

Do you want to go on an adventure? That is a question rooted in my childhood. My grandfather would announce this robust, soul stirring statement at random times hoping to excite and entice his grandchildren into time spent with him. It would work! We wanted to experience the adventure and we wanted to spend time with him. Time with my grandfather would always end up with a treat of some kind, be it ice cream or a coke. My grandfather made sure the time was celebrated.

So I ask you you want to go on an adventure? I hope so. Easter is four weeks away. Easter is the biggest celebration of the Christian faith as we remember the death and resurrection of our Lord. Easter means “Passover,” it is not some pagan celebration of spring but the very core of who we are as believers. Therefore, this season deserves our attention and our intentionality.

Over the next four weeks I am inviting you to journey to the cross through the book of John. This booklet will provide reading and reflections for five days each week, a place for you to journal your thoughts, and weekly action steps to take based on what you are reading. You might want to invite someone else to go with you on this adventure. Adventures are more fun when we experience them together!