Looking for Christmas - “A Savior in Flesh”

Dec 22, 2024    Pastor Scott Weatherford

My mother's father was a southern gentleman. He loved people and he loved the land...he really loved fox hunting. When you hear fox hunting you might think of well dressed gentlemen riding horses with teaming dogs at their heels...but his expression of fox hunting was far different.

There were no horses just old pick up trucks, dusty country roads, and late nights of listening to expensive dogs chasing Mr. Fox.

My grandfather kept this pack of hounds in a kennel just north of the main house. He had around 10 dogs...each with a name and a pedigree...the finest pack of Tennessee Walkers you could find.

With a collections of canines that size there were times of barking...more like the siren songs of the ancient Greeks...or pain old noise...depends on the tune of your ear.

When the ruckus arose from the kennel of kerrs my grandfather would calmly go to the back door and whisper...yes whisper to his pack. He would call them by name in low tones until all was calm...amazing. These dogs were captured by the whisper of the one who loved them and cared for their every need.

We long for that whisper especially at Christmas. We long to hear from the one who knows us by name and speaks peace to us in the chaos of our lives. When the hound dogs of our soul howl we need the whisper of the master to bring peace.

Through out history it as been so. In the shame of the garden when the man and woman fell into sin the whisper of "where are you" floated through the thick air. The whisper was that of concern not location. Judgment was passed but the whisper of redemption echoed through their forlorn hearts.

Again the whisper was heard in the ears of a man to build a boat...Noah heard and responded. The whisper came to Abraham...go to a land that I will show you...he heard and a nation was born.

Over the centuries the whisper echoed through prophets and kings. Many heard it...Samuel, David, Isaiah, Jeremiah, the list is long and impressive. The promise of messiah, the whisper of redemption filled the ears of those who heard.

In the fullness of time the whisper became flesh. The word of God dwelling in the form of a baby born in a lowly cattle shed in a no name village. The whisper.. the wonder...Jesus, God with us. And we beheld his glory, full of grace and truth.

This morning let’s look at what Pastor John has to say about God taking his dwelling among us and allow the Wounder of the whisper to fill your hearts today.