41… is Coming - “Surviving the Wait”

Mar 9, 2025    Pastor Bard Letsinger

New Series we are calling 41 The number 40 appears 159 times in the Bible.

in the Scripture, the number 40 often symbolic.

The number 40 can symbolize the COMPLETION of God's purpose

The number 40 can symbolize a time of JUDGMENT or TESTING

The number 40 can symbolize NEW LIFE, GROWTH, and TRANSFORMATION

The number 40 can indicate a TRANSITION from one period of time to another

What are some of the great 40 in scripture?

The Great Flood: Rain fell for 40 days and nights

Moses: Fled Egypt after murdering an Egyptian and lived there 40 years

The Israelites: The Israelites wandered in the desert for 40 years

David and Goliath: Goliath taunted the Israelites for 40 days

Jonah preached repentance to the people of Nineveh for 40 days

Jesus: Jesus spent 40 days in the desert fasting and being Temped by Satan before beginning his public ministry

Jesus appeared to his disciples and his followers for 40 days after the resurrection.

But what comes after the number 40…. 41 is when things change

in the Bible, the number 41 represents new beginnings and hope, the dawn of a new day, and the promise that if you don't quit, you will enter your “promised land”.

Between now and Easter Sunday we will be looking at Noah, Moses, David, Jonah and Jesus and the 40’s they went through and see how on 41 things changed.