A.I. Authentic Intelligence - “Invitation to Change the World”
I am a movie buff, one of my one of my fav actors is Harrison Ford… l love his work… two of my fav films are Raiders of the Lost Ark and Star Wars… what if I was to tell you when I was younger I tried out for the lead in those Films even… got so far as shooting some test footage in costume and everything before losing out to Harrison Ford.. Don’t believe me… just watch...
I told you…. What? Still don’t believe me? Good you don’t. Done with a FaceSwap app two years ago.
One Fool people into thinking something that is fake is Authentic
It is another to fool ourselves into thinking we are Authentic when we are not…
Continuing with our Authentic Inelegance series…
Ask you a question – have you ever wanted to “change the word”… Classify different generations with different names…
Later Millennials late 80’s to mid 90’s Gen Z – 97-2012 Want to make a difference… generation can sniff out fakes