A.I. Authentic Intelligence - "The Assignment"
Have you ever received an assignment that was way out of your comfort zone. An assignment that made you feel creepy and bunched you into a group that you never wanted to be included in. I have!
We are often lead to believe that God would never give us more than we can handle. That is just not true. We are often given more than we can handle. We are never given more than He can handle.
We are overwhelmed by the artificial today. It has gotten to the point that you can’t trust anything you read or see on social media. We need truth. The truth is that God is not into your comfort or convenience. He is into your obedience.
Looking back over the course of my life I see God giving me assignments that I couldn’t accomplish. Things like making the baseball team with visual impairments, getting a date with Tara, finishing my education, serving at various churches, starting churches, launching a network, moving to Canada, coming back to Victoria. I could go on and on. I am sure there are things on the horizon that will require my being stretched.
One thing I have learned is to say yes before I am asked. Tara has my yes, my children have my yes, my grand kids have my yes, pastor Bard has my yes. Most importantly God has my yes. The key to finding authentic intelligence is to find the source of all that is real and that source is Jesus.
God promises His presence and His power as you live an authentic life. The question this morning is are you willing to say yes?
Here in Luke 9 Jesus sends out the twelve. He gives them instructions and off they go. Let's lean into this passage and learn how to follow...be intentional...be disciples.